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Weather forecast for Kam'iane (Rivne region) in next 3 days as at 26 January 2025, 4:44:00:
Date | January 26th, Sunday |
January 27th, Monday |
January 28th, Tuesday |
Morning | Day | Evening | Night | Morning | Day | Evening | Night | Morning | Day | Evening | |
Nebulosity and pecipitation | overcast |
overcast |
overcast |
partly cloudy |
cloudy |
overcast |
overcast |
overcast |
partly cloudy |
partly cloudy |
partly cloudy |
Temperature, °C | 1... 5 |
4... 8 |
3... 7 |
1... 5 |
1... 5 |
4... 8 |
1... 5 |
1... 5 |
2... 6 |
7... 11 |
3... 7 |
Humidity, % | 96... 98 |
91... 92 |
88... 89 |
91... 92 |
94... 95 |
87... 88 |
92... 93 |
93... 94 |
88... 89 |
74... 75 |
91... 92 |
Pressure, mmHg | 740... 744 |
738... 742 |
738... 742 |
738... 742 |
737... 741 |
736... 740 |
736... 740 |
735... 739 |
734... 738 |
734... 738 |
734... 738 |
Wind speed and direction, mps |
South 3...5 |
South 5...7 |
South 5...7 |
South 3...5 |
South 3...5 |
South 4...6 |
South 3...5 |
South 3...5 |
South 3...5 |
South 2...4 |
South 3...5 |