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Weather forecast for Vistova (Ivano-Frankivsk region) in next 3 days as at 19 September 2024, 3:06:00:
Date | September 19th, Thursday |
September 20th, Friday |
September 21st, Saturday |
Morning | Day | Evening | Night | Morning | Day | Evening | Night | Morning | Day | Evening | |
Nebulosity and pecipitation | overcast, |
partly cloudy |
partly cloudy |
fair |
fair |
partly cloudy |
partly cloudy |
fair |
fair |
partly cloudy |
partly cloudy |
Temperature, °C | 8... 12 |
16... 20 |
9... 13 |
5... 9 |
7... 11 |
16... 20 |
8... 12 |
4... 8 |
6... 10 |
17... 21 |
9... 13 |
Humidity, % | 98... 100 |
54... 55 |
80... 81 |
93... 95 |
85... 86 |
42... 43 |
82... 83 |
90... 91 |
86... 87 |
45... 46 |
88... 89 |
Pressure, mmHg | 725... 729 |
730... 734 |
730... 734 |
729... 733 |
728... 732 |
729... 733 |
728... 732 |
722... 726 |
723... 727 |
728... 732 |
722... 726 |
Wind speed and direction, mps |
North 0...1 |
East 2...4 |
East 1...3 |
N-E 0...1 |
North 0...1 |
East 1...3 |
North 0...1 |
West 0...2 |
West 0...2 |
North 0...2 |
Calm 0 |